Christina Alspaugh

christina at disney

"Hi Everyone, my name is Christina Alspaugh. I am really looking forward to this semester and I can't wait to meet all of you!"

A bit about me..

I am a wife and mother of two. I decided in April that it was time to go back to school, after I got laid off from my sales job. I have always been interested in creating websites. I love the idea of creating something from nothing. I decided to get my Associate in Web Design/Development. I am not sure where I would like to end up in my career, but I figure I can go with the flow and see where it takes me in the end. I took a few classes over the summer and that was definitely challenging. Not only was I going to back school after a 25 year break, but I was taking accelerated classes...YIKES! I am definitely feeling much more confident this semester and I am ready to do it again!

My experience in web design and coding..

I have built some sites before playing around on WordPress and I am currently taking a WordPress class. I have a website that I built using WordPress that I change all the time as I learn new stuff. The site is Over the summer I built my first HTML site in CIS133DA. I was really excited with what I accomplished. I am looking forward to fine tuning what I already learned and seeing how far I can take my sites with this class. Here is a look at my HTML site from the summer class

My Hobbies..

I have several hobbies depending on my mood or the amount of time that I have to spend. When the weather is right I like to go camping and hiking. It is nice to get away and relax. I also like to do painting with wine with my mom. It is a fun way to get out and spend time with her. If time allows it, I like to cook and bake yummy treats and snacks. For dessert my favorite has to be Cherry Chip Loaf!

Fun Facts
Favorites: Response:
Hobby Cooking
Food Sea Food Alfredo
Movie Jurassic Park
Place to Travel Florida
Course of Study Web Design/Development
Wild Card I am from Michigan